Sunday, August 19, 2007

A Few More...

And The Weddings Continue...


I have finally joined the MySpace cult. Everyone and their mother (literally) is on MySpace...and I got tired of everyone asking me if I MySpace...and me feeling like an out of date I joined. Dang peer pressure! Anyways, for any of you who are interested in keeping up with the happenings in my life (cuz there are so many), than here is the link to check out MySpace: Since I'm just starting out, I don't have many if you want to add me, you'd make me look a whole lot cooler...and I'd appreciate it!!!!

I'm gonna post some more wedding photos too. Since this is the summer of weddings for me I have pics to post of Lee and Stephanie...they're so fabulous! Anyways, that's all for now!

Monday, August 06, 2007

I Swear this is it...don't ask me to post any more photos!!!

You can say a lot of things about us...BUT you cannot say that we don't know how to PARTY!!!!!!

And of course there was dancing!!!!

You can't marry an African and not have dancing...and LOTS of it...and let me tell you we tore up that floor!!!!!

I Can't Just Stop There!!!

I have to post a few more for ya'll!!!

As Promised....

Here are some pics of the wedding with everyone all dressed to kill!!!!!

Friday, August 03, 2007


This is the summer of weddings for me...I cannot deny that this is the stage of life that I am in right now. Most of my friends seem to be getting hitched, and I couldn't be happier for all of them. After this summer I will have been in eight, let me say that number again, EIGHT weddings, and I will be retiring from the position of Bridesmaid. This statement is in no way a diss to my friends who I am currently a bridesmaid in their wedding. I love that they asked me to, and am happy to do it. I'm simply retiring due to lack of cash flow...and the feeling of looking all dolled up =)

Below I've posted some photos of me and some fellow bridesmaid getting all dolled up for the day. It's amazing to me that you can spend, literally, all day getting ready and besides all the hair being piled on top of my head, I really look the same. I don't understand why I continue to take all day to get ready for weddings. It's not my wedding...and let's face it, all bridesmaids are a mere runner-up to the Bride on the big it should be, so why do we bridesmaid continue to spend hours getting ready only to sweat off all our make-up when we do the cha cha and electric slide???

I know I've said it before...but men truly luck out in the wedding area. You rent a tux, which is by far cheaper the buying a dress and paying for alterations...and you get the luxury of rolling out of bed...put a little gel in the ole hair...shake...oh and possibly shower...and you're good to go! No hours of fussing...painting nails, lip liner...and all. You all should feel pretty blessed to be males when it comes to performing the duty of being in a wedding!!!!

Alright...I'll shut up about the whole thing now. Here's some photos of us getting ready...pre-makeup (just so ya know)...and unfortuantely I don't have any of us all "dolled up" yet, but I'll get some...don't you worry...I'm not letting all of that effort on that day going to waste by not posting photos of the blessed event!!!

Check out our awesome Bridesmaid tank tops!!! Bri and I bedazzled them ourselves!! We're so talented!!!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Fabulous Day!!!!

Today our group (The Link) helped out with our church's picnic. We manned the cotton candy and sno cone was awesome! I did the cotton candy...and I was a machine...I mean c' have to have some serious guns to be able to withstand the never-ending lines...I have pure stamina (some...*cough*cough*...Jon...did not!!!!)!!!!!

I had cotton candy sugar everywhere!!! I went to push my hair off my forehead...and my hand literally got stuck in my hair was pretty much crystalized with blue sugar...not a bad way to go though...I must say =)

We had face painting, balloon hats, and this huge blow-up obstacle course---it was saweet!!! You race another person...and you have to dodge these huge blow up pillars and then once you get through have to grab a rope and climb up over this huge wall...then fling yourself off the edge of it down this huge slide and back to solid was sooo sweet. I had been wanting to go all afternoon...but everyone was like only kids do that...then this little girl comes up to me and was like "your not too big to go on that" that was my cue to go ahead...Bri and a few other daring girls decided they would attempt the mayhem as well...and suprisingly we all did fairly well considering we all weigh 4 times the size of one of the little kids on the thing!!!!

I'm posting some photos of the fab day...they're not the greatest...b/c I forgot to charge my battery in my I got to take like 5 pics....but you get to see my awesome balloon hat....aaaahhhhh to be 8 was a GREAT day!

Clearly Jon (above) was doing nothing but proclaiming to be the cotton candy king of the world....big talk for someone that had a hard time figuring out how to swirl sugar on a stick!!!!!

Monday, May 07, 2007

What Be Your Nerd Type?
Your Result: Musician

Doo doo de doo waaaa doo de doo! (<-- That's you playing something.) Everyone appreciates the band/orchestra geeks and the pretty voices. Whether you sing in the choir, participate in a school/local band, or sit at home writing music, you contribute a joy to society that everyone can agree on. Yay! Welcome to actually doing something for poor, pathetic human souls. (Just kidding.)

Social Nerd
Literature Nerd
Drama Nerd
Artistic Nerd
Gamer/Computer Nerd
Science/Math Nerd
Anime Nerd
What'>">What Be Your Nerd Type?
Quizzes'>">Quizzes for MySpace
Your 1996 Theme Song Is: Who Will Save Your Soul by Jewel
Who will save your soul when it comes to the flowerWho will save your soul after all the lies that you told, boyWho will save your soul if you won't save your own?

Friday, April 27, 2007

Me & Some of the crew I hang with!

Me & Stephie (On St. Patty's Day if you couldn't tell)

Me & My Fabulous Mother

~Can you see a resemblance????

A more recent photo of me...for those who have forgotten what I looked like b/c you haven't seen me in sooo long...

MY NASTY FOOT!!!! I'm sure you all want to see ...BUT I have to try and get some sympathy here =)

My Niece Ella Joi on Easter

Me w/ Bri's dog "Barney"

~Isn't he absolutely adorable??!?!

Out of Comission!!!

As most of you know, I got hurt last weekend and am now on crutches. Being on crutches is absolutely horrible!!!! There is nothing sides are bruised all the way down...I better have some kick butt arm definition after this is all over!

I have to say though...I have had a hard time with all of this...but I have some amazing friends to help me out. They have come over and done my dishes, laundry, cleaning and cooked me food! They are truly the best friends in the world! Thanks to all of know who you are...I totally expect you to "cash in" on this in the future!

I've realized I don't post enough pictures on this thing....and that that is what people are really interested in right? So....I'm gonna post some random pics now for your viewing pleasure!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

A Year Isn't that Long!

Well...I'm finally updating my blog! It's been about a year...and I know, I know...that is absolutely absurd. No one probably checks this thing anymore here's to the random person that may happen along my blog...and is extremely bored, at home on a Friday night, eating a cheesy bean and rice burrito from Taco Bell...

A lot has obviously happened in my life this past year. Too much to update in a simple blog entry, but God has taken me through a lot of stuff. It's amazing how you can go through something in your life and you don't know exactly know how or why, but your faith isn't shaken. There are some things I'm struggling through right now, normally given my track record, my faith would have been rocked...and my world shattered, but it seems hope and faith haven't faded this time. A "wise" friend of mine said to me recently that "Hope never runs out". One day you may feel like you have absolutely no hope left in a situation for tomorrow, and then you wake up and it's as if the few hours of sleep renewed just a enough hope for you to make it through the day again. She is so right. I never viewed hope like that until a few circumstances in my life recently have taught me that. There are days I wake up and I feel as if I can barely make it through, then morning comes again, and God is faithful...and there is my hope waiting for me to get up grab it and face the day again.

There are certain situations, one in particular, that I try so hard not to get discouraged in and lose hope. I don't get discouraged for the obvious reasons people believe that I would. It's more a disappointment in a certain cross-section of the population, and I find myself losing faith in that "cross-section" and losing hope that decency and goodness haven't been totally lost on that popuation. There are some things that I will never understand about myself or the opposite sex, but yet I continue to search for understanding in those situations...why I'm not sure...I don't think I will ever find the answers to my pool of questions...yet the search goes on.

My "wise" friend I mentioned earlier and I were talking a few days ago, and I was more or less complaining in a slightly less vague description I gave you about my discouragement with a certain "cross-section" of the population to her...and she suggested a BRILLIANT idea...which is to take a sabbatical from that population for two months. Now, I know what you're thinking, this is a femminist way of making some sort of statement to that "cross-section" that they are irreversabley screwed up...and I'm protesting them. I assure you it is not. I am on the way to self-discovery of how I am get myself into a lot of these "pickles". I am in search of going back to my center, if you will. I need to find out what exactly why a particular "sub-group" of that "cross-section" of the population is ever so persistant in trying to bulldoze me over.

Anyways, that is my proclamation for the day. I'm putting it out in the Universe...that way I cannot go back, I must peel away the many layers of this qunundrum and figure what the heck is going on.

Well, if anyone I know does happen to check this blasted thing. I'd love to hear from you, so be sure to post! I miss all of my caddy peeps, and I'll see you all in 2 weeks!