Friday, August 03, 2007


This is the summer of weddings for me...I cannot deny that this is the stage of life that I am in right now. Most of my friends seem to be getting hitched, and I couldn't be happier for all of them. After this summer I will have been in eight, let me say that number again, EIGHT weddings, and I will be retiring from the position of Bridesmaid. This statement is in no way a diss to my friends who I am currently a bridesmaid in their wedding. I love that they asked me to, and am happy to do it. I'm simply retiring due to lack of cash flow...and the feeling of looking all dolled up =)

Below I've posted some photos of me and some fellow bridesmaid getting all dolled up for the day. It's amazing to me that you can spend, literally, all day getting ready and besides all the hair being piled on top of my head, I really look the same. I don't understand why I continue to take all day to get ready for weddings. It's not my wedding...and let's face it, all bridesmaids are a mere runner-up to the Bride on the big it should be, so why do we bridesmaid continue to spend hours getting ready only to sweat off all our make-up when we do the cha cha and electric slide???

I know I've said it before...but men truly luck out in the wedding area. You rent a tux, which is by far cheaper the buying a dress and paying for alterations...and you get the luxury of rolling out of bed...put a little gel in the ole hair...shake...oh and possibly shower...and you're good to go! No hours of fussing...painting nails, lip liner...and all. You all should feel pretty blessed to be males when it comes to performing the duty of being in a wedding!!!!

Alright...I'll shut up about the whole thing now. Here's some photos of us getting ready...pre-makeup (just so ya know)...and unfortuantely I don't have any of us all "dolled up" yet, but I'll get some...don't you worry...I'm not letting all of that effort on that day going to waste by not posting photos of the blessed event!!!

Check out our awesome Bridesmaid tank tops!!! Bri and I bedazzled them ourselves!! We're so talented!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously, you're lookin' good as you are!!!!!!

6:23 PM  

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