Sunday, March 18, 2007

A Year Isn't that Long!

Well...I'm finally updating my blog! It's been about a year...and I know, I know...that is absolutely absurd. No one probably checks this thing anymore here's to the random person that may happen along my blog...and is extremely bored, at home on a Friday night, eating a cheesy bean and rice burrito from Taco Bell...

A lot has obviously happened in my life this past year. Too much to update in a simple blog entry, but God has taken me through a lot of stuff. It's amazing how you can go through something in your life and you don't know exactly know how or why, but your faith isn't shaken. There are some things I'm struggling through right now, normally given my track record, my faith would have been rocked...and my world shattered, but it seems hope and faith haven't faded this time. A "wise" friend of mine said to me recently that "Hope never runs out". One day you may feel like you have absolutely no hope left in a situation for tomorrow, and then you wake up and it's as if the few hours of sleep renewed just a enough hope for you to make it through the day again. She is so right. I never viewed hope like that until a few circumstances in my life recently have taught me that. There are days I wake up and I feel as if I can barely make it through, then morning comes again, and God is faithful...and there is my hope waiting for me to get up grab it and face the day again.

There are certain situations, one in particular, that I try so hard not to get discouraged in and lose hope. I don't get discouraged for the obvious reasons people believe that I would. It's more a disappointment in a certain cross-section of the population, and I find myself losing faith in that "cross-section" and losing hope that decency and goodness haven't been totally lost on that popuation. There are some things that I will never understand about myself or the opposite sex, but yet I continue to search for understanding in those situations...why I'm not sure...I don't think I will ever find the answers to my pool of questions...yet the search goes on.

My "wise" friend I mentioned earlier and I were talking a few days ago, and I was more or less complaining in a slightly less vague description I gave you about my discouragement with a certain "cross-section" of the population to her...and she suggested a BRILLIANT idea...which is to take a sabbatical from that population for two months. Now, I know what you're thinking, this is a femminist way of making some sort of statement to that "cross-section" that they are irreversabley screwed up...and I'm protesting them. I assure you it is not. I am on the way to self-discovery of how I am get myself into a lot of these "pickles". I am in search of going back to my center, if you will. I need to find out what exactly why a particular "sub-group" of that "cross-section" of the population is ever so persistant in trying to bulldoze me over.

Anyways, that is my proclamation for the day. I'm putting it out in the Universe...that way I cannot go back, I must peel away the many layers of this qunundrum and figure what the heck is going on.

Well, if anyone I know does happen to check this blasted thing. I'd love to hear from you, so be sure to post! I miss all of my caddy peeps, and I'll see you all in 2 weeks!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jess, thanks for all you do for the Link!

from Clint Dawg

4:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am proud of you. i love you and remember... GO BROCCOLI!

~the wise one ;-)

7:45 PM  

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