Saturday, March 04, 2006

Unexpected Suprises

Lately I've been struggling with faithfulness. It's a concept that I think in all areas I find hard to grasp. A woman at work just celebrated her 43rd wedding anniversary, that is faithfulness that I cannot comprehend! Giving the Lord what he deserves first out of my paycheck. I just started being faithful in this area a few months ago, but I'm seeing that the rewards are beyond my expectations. Being faithful to God and his plan for my life, trusting that he knows where my life is going and is not going to abandon me. I'm queen of taking my life into my own hands and making an utter mess out of it. I'm certain that this principle will be one that I forever will have to give back to the Lord, but deep down I do believe that he has a plan for me, and that although his plan will be rocky at times because of my stubornness, His plan is a perfect plan, and I desire His plan for me and my life.

Well all of this confessing of my struggle with the idea of faithfulness, and I haven't mentioned how God has shown His faithfulness to me this week. As I'm sure most of you may not know, but have probably been where I am right now and can relate, I had the harsh reality of learning what it is like to live on your own and pay your own bills from everything from health insurance to toothpaste, and making the paycheck stretch that far is a hard reality that I am learning slowly.

Like I mentioned above, I have felt quite convicted for some time for not tithing out of my paycheck. I'd look at my check and then all the bills I have to pay and could see with my calculator that there was simply not enough to pay my bills, let alone give to God. How I hate writing that, and showing you all how selfish I really am. Anyways, I started to tithe and I'm not going to sit here and type that all of my financial problems are gone, because they are certainly not, but God has proven so faithful by Sprint sending me a refund of $50.00 recently, and another check for $30.00 from Grace College saying it was "an overpayment on my perkins loan". Even though the amounts are small, I'll take it! I know it is God's way of telling me that he is here for me, and watching me, and has not and will not abandon me.

Another suprise I got on Friday. I arrived back to work from lunch, and to my suprise everyone in our office (even the prosecutor's) were out front waiting for me. All of them were smiling at me, and I was like "what's up guys"? As I walked in the door I noticed an extremely good looking guy standing at the counter with a bouquet of flowers. He asked if I was Jessica, and I replied that I was. I thought he was a delivery guy, so I asked if the flowers were for me, and he said that they were. He reached out his hand and said his name was Michael Stinford. I smiled, still not having the slightest clue what was going on. He said, "You may not remember me, but I'm the guy that a few weeks ago you helped me out with my case. I'm the Marine from California". I suddenly remembered talking to him on the phone several times trying to sort out his case. He said, "I'm back in town and wanted to come in and personally thank you for all of your help and give you these flowers to show my appreciation". To be honest, I was speechless. Most of the people I work with cuss me out, rarely do I get thanked for what I do because I'm the person doing the paperwork for the charges we're filing on them to arrest them, re-issuing warrants for people, dealing with their traffic tickets, and the list goes on. It was so nice to have someone acknowledge what you do and thank you for it. I thanked him and he left. Needless to say the whole office was floored. Many of the women were talking about how good looking Michael was, and joking around with me about it, but also I think in a way it showed everyone in the office that what we do is not all in vain. I'm sure many appreciate the things that we do, like the victims in our cases. They may not always thank us personally, but through Michael's actions I believe my office got to see that what we do is good and appreciated.

The Lord has definitley been suprising me lately. The above instances are only a few of the ways. I'm learning that faithfulness to God is not as painful as I once thought it would be. And through my faithfulness, God has shown me His. These instances come at no better time for me, and I praise God for his faithfulness to me, especially when I don't deserve it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Hon - I liked what you had to say; good to hear about your faithfulness and God's. And it's always nice to be surprised by people and even better by God!

We missed you at dinner today-wish you could have just run home for a little while, but I am so thankful that you are happy where you are.

Love ya........

6:00 PM  
Blogger Hollywood said...

Thanks Mom-- I love you soooo much. Sad that I couldn't be there with you all too...but I'll be home soon!

7:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a million and twlve things swimming through my head to tell you about lately...things i need to have accountablility for but hold back b/c i am not sure i want to give up control... then i read your thoughts and understand that you are a gift from God to me. it's bizarre sometimes how in tune you are to me. i'm so glad i don't have to wear my mask with you. you are an amazing blessing and i am so glad we've gotten to be such good friends!
~the artist

8:44 AM  

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