Monday, February 20, 2006

Beauty...Skin Deep???

I'm approaching upon the "month mark," as my brother said, for not updating my Jon, here's my update...

Spent the weekend with my fabulous family up in Cattle Tracks Michigan. It was a wonderful 17 below the entire weekend. As soon as you walk out side your nose is frost bitten, oh how I don't miss that! Not that Indiana is all that much warmer...but it definitely has not been that cold, and won't get that cold.

I am trying to find a new place to live...the hunt is going less than great. I keep telling myself that I need to find a place the Lord will come through with the perfect and affordable place for me. I've got one last lead before my options have run out. I know that something could become available tomorrow...but I'm getting quite frazzled about not being able to find a place, when I so desparatley need to. I could use some prayer from you all that the right thing would come my way, and soon!

On to more important issues...A friend of mine and I have been discussing recently the lovely issue of self-esteem. I don't understand why so many of us struggle with this issue. I certainly struggle with it, and when I take a good look at who I am, and what I am offering this world, I don't get why I struggle so hard core with this issue. Please don't take that as a vain statement. I don't mean it to be taken that way at all. Of course I have many issues that I am working on, and will continue to work on for the rest of my life. I believe that we should always be re-examining ourselves and looking at areas of our lives that we need to improve to be more Christlike. On the otherhand though, the Lord has blessed me with soooo much, and I know I should not struggle with self esteem, and yet I do.

Low self-esteem drives me nuts! I don't want to struggle with it...and nobody does...but I'm not quite sure how to change it. Usually for me, almost always for me, my low self-esteem comes from how I feel about myself outwardly. I know it is something for me that I will always struggle with for the rest of my life, and most definitley has been, and will continue to be something that Satan uses against me. I don't think I'm alone in this battle. Obviously most women struggle with this. That is why eating disorders, and cosmetic surgery are so prevalent in this world and rob women of their true beauty. I too have been prey to Satan's web of deception that He feeds to women. My own personal struggle with weight and bulimia will always haunt me I believe. I hate that we as women sabotage our lives, and relationships with friends, family and Christ due to our low self-esteem. How do we overcome all of the stereotypes of what society thinks true beauty should look like?? And if we, by some miracle do overcome societies stereotypes and start accepting ourselves and our bodies as being beautiful, how do we still not get bogged down with low-self esteem of those whose mindsets have not changed? I would love for people to start seeing and appreciating eachother's beauty. I would love to walk into a room, and not feel like the whole room is sizing me up. Again, I know many women out there who would love for that to be the case. I don't know that that will ever be the case though. I guess it all has to start with the fact that I need to learn to be comfortable in my own skin, as do a lot of women. That's a hard thing to learn how to do, and I'm not sure that I even know where to start with that...


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